Prostitution is one of the largest markets in the world. Unfortunately, people throughout the world work as both male and female sex workers every day. Often, these people work in poor conditions or illegally, which has led to a lot of countries cracking down on the sex trade.
In Australia, prostitution is something of a complicated subject. In some places, and in some ways, it’s legal. However, there are also a lot of situations where it isn’t legal, so it’s important to know the rules if you’re either a sex worker or a client. An experienced criminal lawyer like Adelaide Lawyers will be able to help you out if you’ve been caught on the wrong side of the law, but it’s best not to put yourself in that position in the first place.
With this in mind, I’ve put together a quick overview of prostitution in Australia, outlining the main points of its legalities and illegalities.
When Is Prostitution Legal In Australia?
Although the exact rules surrounding prostitution in Australia differ by state and territory, many of the laws are consistent across the country. In general, prostitution is legal, but profiting from someone else’s prostitution isn’t – except in specific circumstances.