5 Customer Service Principles Everyone In Your Family Lawyers Business Should Adhere To

One aspect of family lawyers that many people do not appreciate is that they are a business in the same way that their local restaurants, car repair centres and retail stores are all businesses. When we say “people” we are referring mainly to those who have never employed a family lawyer. However, and sad to say, we also have to include some family lawyers who, for whatever reason, forget they are running a business.

The consequences of that can range from slight to severe, and by severe we mean that the very existence of their business is put at risk. Some of the specifics can include not having an organised office, failing to ensure the finances of their family lawyers business are sound, and worst of all, not appreciating that each client is a customer who should be offered the best of service at all times

Whole libraries of books have been written about customer service and countless video courses seek to teach the subject. We are sure you treat all your clients well, but also know that anything else which could be included in the service you and your employees provide clients can only enhance their experience. As such here are five customer service principles that you should ensure are applied by all who work in your family lawyers business, including yourself.



5 Essential Matters You Must Attend To If You Are Preparing For Divorce

For anyone who has separated from their spouse or partner and is now preparing for divorce, there can be a range of emotions that they go through, including anxiety, anger, sadness, and we dare say in some cases, relief, and maybe even joy. No matter which emotions exist, it is also important to think clearly and make the right practical decisions, and part of that will include seeking advice from a divorce lawyer.

Having a divorce lawyer from Family Law Assist with which you can discuss your divorce, seek advice, and ask them to prepare the necessary legal documents which need to be submitted to the Family Court, can remove a huge burden from the mind of someone going through a divorce.

Nevertheless, although your divorce lawyer can undertake lots of the necessary legal requirements, there are other practical matters which you need to consider, some of which impact your immediate circumstances, and some which will have an impact in the longer term.

We have pinpointed these practical matters under 5 different aspects of separation and divorce, so here they are as a mini-guide to what you need to plan for.


Can Same sex Marriages End In Divorce?

Can Same sex Marriages End In Divorce?

Society has seen many positive changes in recent years with regards to our individual and collective rights and one of the most significant of them is the right for same sex couples to legally marry. However, this begs the question as to how divorce is regarded with respect to same sex marriages and this is often where a lawyer that specialises in family and divorce such as www.acceleratefamilylaw.com.au, is needed to advise or help.

The journey to where same sex couples could legally marry has been a long one, and it may surprise some to read that the right to do so was only legislated for as recently as December 2017. Until then, it was the marriage Act of 1961 that was the primary legislation that applied, and in addition, an amendment in 2004 to that act which stated that marriage was a union between a man and a woman.

The reason this amendment was added was due to couples who had legally married overseas returning to Australia, and the conflict between the legislation that existed with regards to what constituted a legal marriage  and those same sex couples wanting their marriage to be legally recognised in Australia.

A major change that resolved this issue took place in December 2017, which was a further amendment to the Marriage Act, and in particular, a change in the definition of marriage. The new definition states that the union is between ‘two people to the exclusion of all others’, which obviously has no reference to which sex either of those two people is.


Apply for a Restraining Order

Five Reasons You Should Apply for a Restraining Order

As unpleasant as the thought may be, a huge percentage of people across Australia have to deal with domestic and family violence. These are never acceptable, but fortunately, there are numerous actions you can take to protect yourself.

One thing you could do is apply for a restraining order for the person who has been violent against you. In short, a restraining order prevents the specified person from coming within a certain distance of you and anyone else named in it, providing a level of protection for you.

Below, we’ve outlined five reasons why you should consider applying for a restraining order if you’re suffering through family or domestic violence.

  1. Nobody Should Have to Deal With Violence

If you have a partner, ex-partner, or someone else who is violent against you, applying for a restraining order could be a very good idea. Nobody should ever put up with violence, and we’d highly recommend speaking with family lawyers about restraining orders ASAP if you’re in a violent situation.


Weighing Up Whether A Prenuptial Agreement Would Benefit You

Weighing Up Whether A Prenuptial Agreement Would Benefit You

One of the most important aspects of work that the experts at Family Lawyers Joondalup are often asked to do for clients who are planning to marry is to draw up and formalise a prenuptial agreement. Often spoken of whenever a high-profile celebrity marriage is ending, a prenuptial agreement is a document, that basically states how any property and finances will be divided should the couple divorce.

To many people, the idea of a creating prenuptial agreement before marriage seems a very negative and even cynical action. They would claim that it effectively says the couple does not trust each other enough to not want to share property fairly if the marriage ends.

Another argument against prenuptial agreements is that they are basically saying that the couple does not have enough faith in their relationship, and the marriage to follow, and obviously do not believe that it will last ‘until death us do part’.


When is My Relationship Considered ‘De Facto’?

De facto relationships are becoming increasingly common in the modern world as less and less people marry at an early age. Instead, people often decide to live together without getting married, which leads to them being considered a ‘de facto’ couple under the eyes of the law at some point.

Now, there are important legal considerations that you need to be aware of once you are considered to be in a de facto relationship. The best way to understand these is to speak with your local family lawyer, Family Lawyers Perth, but we’ve done our best to provide a brief overview below.

What is a de facto relationship?

The exact definition of a de facto relationship does differ by state in Australia, but basically it involves a serious relationship between two people who aren’t married, but who live together as if they are. There are a lot of things to think about when working out if you’re in a de facto relationship or not, including:

  • How long you’ve been together.
  • How long you’ve been living together. Usually you need to be living together at least part of the time to be considered de facto.
  • Whether there’s a sexual relationship and whether you have children together.
  • Whether you share joint bank accounts or own major joint assets.
  • Whether you act as if you’re married or in a serious relationship when you’re in public.

As you can see, there are a lot of factors that contribute to help the law identify if you’re in a de facto relationship or not. If it’s particularly important for you to know then consider speaking to your local family lawyer.
